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We do our best to note when AirPort Extreme is not included. 1.67 GHz SD, $350 shipped, Operator Headgap.

Got a G4 PowerBook? Join the G4 ‘Books email list.Used PowerBooks typically include a 90-day warranty. Prices are for used PowerBooks unless otherwise noted. The best deals are marked in bold type in the full listings below. The 15″ MacBook Pro replaced the 15″ PowerBook in early 2006 it has since been replaced by even more powerful models based on the Intel Core 2 Duo CPU. Other World Computing sells the NewerTech NuPowr 58 Watt-Hour battery, which has up to 26% more capacity than Apple’s original battery, for $69. Note that original batteries have probably lost most of their capacity over the years. 802.11g AirPort Extreme WiFi was standard with all 15″ aluminum PowerBooks except for the 1.0 GHz model, so we try to note when it is not included. The 15″ and 17″ aluminum PowerBooks include FireWire 800, gigabit ethernet, and a CardBus slot. All aluminum G4 PowerBooks are able to run Mac OS X 10.5 – with 1.0 GHz to 1.67 GHz CPU speeds and room for 2 GB of RAM (which only costs $25-75 these days), they can handle it well. We recommend no less than 512 MB for good OS X performance with Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and 1 GB for 10.5 Leopard, the last version supported by G4 Macs. The 15″ PowerBook G4 has two memory slots earlier models shipped with 256 MB of RAM. For an overview of the whole line, see Low End Mac’s Compleat Guide to the 15″ PowerBook. We posted a look at hi-rse PowerBook value in late 2005, The October 2005 PowerBook Value Equation. 1280 x 854 used by prior 15″ aluminum PowerBooks), these 1.67 GHz models are designated hi-res in our listings to distinguish them from earlier models. Because of their 1440 x 960 resolution displays (vs. Apple last updated the 15″ PowerBook in October 2005, making dual-layer SuperDrives standard and putting in higher resolution displays along with a faster memory bus.